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Drummer's Call

The Drummer's Call would be played anytime "the drums" fell in on parade. The first time through is played by the senior drummer, while the rest of the corps plays the repeat. It is taken from the Drum Major's Manual, written by Samual Potter in 1817.

Cabar Feidh

Quick March and Regimental Charge - Cabar Feidh is Gaelic for "the antlers of a stag." It is the motto for the Clan Mackenzie and dates back to the 13th century. Clan history states that King Alexander III of Scotland was attacked by a stag that he was hunting.

Colin of Kintail, Chief of the Clan Mackenzie, came to the king's aid by yelling "Cuidich 'n Righ" (which means "Help the king") and lobbed off the stag's head. The king then gave the Clan Mackenzie the right to bear the stag's head on the clan crest.

An 18th-century song

The tune is a Gaelic song that dates back to the early 18th century and a four-parted bagpipe setting is found in William Gunn's collection.

The "charge" was used by a regiment to march past at the double. In the Victorian army, normal quick marches were approximately 110 paces per minute, while marches performed at the double were 150 paces per minute. The 78th used Cabar Feidh as their Regimental Charge.

There is a two-parted reel setting of this tune in Angus Mackay's collection and a four-parted reel setting in William Ross'.

The 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar/The Barren Rocks of Aden

2/4 Quick Marches - These two popular marches date back to the mid-19th century. The 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar was composed by Pipe Major John Macdonald of the 79th Cameron Highlanders. He composed this tune in June of 1848 when his Regiment left Gibraltar for Canada.

The Barren Rocks of Aden was an unnamed composition by Piper James Mauchline when a detachment of the 78th was stationed in Aden. Pipe Major Alexander Mackellar re-arranged and named the tune.




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