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3rd Brigade Royal Artillery

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Early History of the Royal Artillery

"The firing of the Noon Gun marks each day, except for Christmas Day, noon time in Halifax, a local tradition since 1857. The present noon gun is a reproduction 12 pounder, smooth-bore muzzle loading gun used during the reign of King George III (1760-1820). Dressed as the 3rd Brigade Royal Artillery of 1869, our gunners, perform drills obtained from the Manual of Artillery Exercises, 1860 & 1873 and supplemented by the Instructions and Regulations for the Service and Management of Heavy Ordnance, for the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 1855."

Original gunners

i 3rdbrigade badgeIn Britain, the first gunners were appointed in 1485 as part of what later became the Board of Ordnance. At that time, "trains" of artillery were raised in time of conflict and disbanded when no longer required.

It was not until 1716 that King George I ordered the establishment of two permanent companies of artillery. In 1722, these and subsequent companies were amalgamated to form the Royal Regiment of Artillery, with headquarters at Woolwich.

The Regiment expanded rapidly in the 18th century and saw service in every British campaign and every British garrison in the world.



All donations received are used to bring history to life at the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada, by hiring young men and women to portray the British Garrison in Halifax at the time of our nation's birth.