- Bath, England
- 10 June 1824
- English
- 5 feet 9 inches
Career before Halifax:
- Private, 78th, 1 April 1842
- Serjeant, 28 September 1844
- Colour Serjeant, 1 March 1847
- Quartermaster Serjeant, 13 January 1855
- Serjeant Major, 29 January 1856
- Quartermaster (equivalent in status to ensign), 12 September 1856
- Paymaster (equivalent in status to lieutenant), 1 April 1865
Medals & Awards:
- Medal & clasp (Persia)
- Medal and two clasps (Indian Mutiny)
Postings while in NS Command:
- Halifax, 9 May 1869 to 25 November 1871
- to Isabella Calderhead, at Belgaum, India, 14 October 1848, Episcopalian Church
- Mary Rudman
- 1895
As was frequently the case with paymasters and quartermasters in the Victorian army, Skrine had been appointed from the ranks. While holding the position of quartermaster, Skrine had served with the 78th throughout the Persian and Indian Mutiny campaigns of 1857-58. He was accompanied to Halifax by his wife, Isabella, and by an 18 year old daughter, Mary Rudman. The Skrines employed, as did all the 78th's married officers, one female servant.